A Git Masterclass: How to Amend Commit and Quickly Rebasing All Dependencies
Image by Leandro - hkhazo.biz.id

A Git Masterclass: How to Amend Commit and Quickly Rebasing All Dependencies

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When working with Git, one of the most frustrating experiences is having to deal with commits that aren’t quite right. Maybe you forgot to add a file, or perhaps you made a typo in your commit message. Whatever the reason, we’ve all been there – stuck with a commit that needs fixing, and wondering how to amend it without causing a mess. Fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to explore the art of amending commits and quickly rebasing all dependencies.

What’s the Big Deal About Amending Commits?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why amending commits is so important. When you make a commit, it’s not just about saving your changes – it’s about creating a permanent record of your work. And if that record is inaccurate or incomplete, it can cause problems down the line.

Think about it: if you forget to add a file, or if your commit message is unclear, it can make it difficult for others (or even yourself!) to understand what changes were made and why. This can lead to confusion, mistakes, and even conflicts when working with others. By amending commits, you can ensure that your commit history is accurate and reliable.

The Anatomy of a Commit

Before we learn how to amend a commit, let’s take a step back and look at the anatomy of a commit. A commit is made up of three main parts:

  • commit hash: a unique identifier for the commit
  • commit message: a description of the changes made in the commit
  • commit contents: the actual files and changes made in the commit

When you make a commit, Git creates a new snapshot of your repository, and assigns it a unique commit hash. The commit message provides context for the changes, and the commit contents are the actual files and changes made.

Amending a Commit: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the importance of amending commits, let’s get down to business. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to amend a commit:

  1. git add : Add the file you want to include in the commit (if you forgot to add it earlier)
  2. git commit --amend -m "New commit message": Amend the commit with the new file and commit message
  3. git log: Verify that the commit has been successfully amended

Note: Make sure to replace with the actual name of the file you want to add, and "New commit message" with your desired commit message.

Example Scenario

Let’s say you made a commit with the message “Fixed bug in login module”, but you forgot to add the updated login.js file. Here’s how you would amend the commit:

$ git add login.js
$ git commit --amend -m "Fixed bug in login module (added login.js)"
$ git log

In this example, we added the login.js file and amended the commit message to reflect the changes. The git log command verifies that the commit has been successfully amended.

Rebasing All Dependencies: A Git Magic Trick

Now that we’ve amended the commit, let’s talk about rebasing all dependencies. When you amend a commit, you’re essentially rewriting history – which can cause problems for others who may have already pulled your original commit. To avoid this, we need to rebase all dependencies.

Rebasing is a Git technique that allows you to reapply commits on top of another base tip. In this case, we want to rebase all dependencies on top of our amended commit. Here’s how:

  1. git checkout : Switch to the branch that contains the dependencies you want to rebase
  2. git rebase : Rebase the dependencies on top of the amended commit
  3. git push --force-with-lease: Push the updated branch to the remote repository

Note: Make sure to replace with the actual name of the branch, and with the actual hash of the amended commit.

Example Scenario

Let’s say you have a feature branch called “new-login-system” that depends on the amended commit. Here’s how you would rebase the dependencies:

$ git checkout new-login-system
$ git rebase 23456abc
$ git push --force-with-lease

In this example, we switched to the “new-login-system” branch, rebased it on top of the amended commit (with hash 23456abc), and pushed the updated branch to the remote repository.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to keep in mind when amending commits and rebasing dependencies:

Tips and Tricks Description
Use git status to verify your changes Before amending a commit, use git status to verify that you’re staged the correct changes.
Use git log to verify the commit history After amending a commit, use git log to verify that the commit history is correct.
Use git reflog to track commit history Use git reflog to track the commit history and identify any potential issues.
Communicate with your team When amending commits, make sure to communicate with your team about the changes to avoid conflicts.


Amending commits and rebasing dependencies may seem like a daunting task, but with practice and patience, you’ll become a Git master. Remember to always communicate with your team, verify your changes, and use the right tools to ensure a smooth workflow.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to amend commits and rebase dependencies like a pro. So go ahead, take the leap, and join the ranks of Git gurus who know how to amend commit and quickly rebase all dependencies.

Frequently Asked Question

Get clarity on amending commits and quickly rebasing all dependencies with these FAQs!

What does it mean to amend a commit?

When you amend a commit, you’re essentially revising the last commit you made. This creates a new commit that replaces the original one, allowing you to make changes, fix mistakes, or add new information to the previous commit.

Why would I need to rebase all dependencies after amending a commit?

When you amend a commit, it changes the commit history, which can affect other branches or dependencies that rely on the original commit. By rebasing all dependencies, you ensure that they’re updated to reflect the revised commit history, maintaining a clean and consistent workflow.

How do I quickly rebase all dependencies after amending a commit?

Use the `git rebase` command with the `–onto` flag to quickly rebase all dependencies. For example, `git rebase –onto new-commit old-commit branch-name` will rebase the specified branch onto the new commit, ensuring that all dependencies are updated.

What happens if I don’t rebase all dependencies after amending a commit?

If you don’t rebase all dependencies, you may encounter conflicts or errors when merging branches or updating dependencies. This can lead to a messy commit history, making it difficult to track changes or maintain a clean workflow.

Can I automate the process of rebasing all dependencies after amending a commit?

Yes, you can automate the process using Git hooks or scripting. For example, you can create a post-commit hook to run the rebase command automatically after amending a commit. This ensures that all dependencies are always updated, saving you time and effort.

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