Mastering react-table: Getting Rendered Value of Column Like a Pro!
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Mastering react-table: Getting Rendered Value of Column Like a Pro!

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall trying to figure out how to get the rendered value of a column in react-table? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the world of react-table and uncover the secrets of accessing that elusive rendered value.

What is react-table?

For those who may be new to the react-table party, let’s start with a quick introduction. React-table is a popular JavaScript library used for building table components in React applications. It provides a lightweight, flexible, and highly customizable way to display data in a table format. With react-table, you can easily create complex table structures, including sorting, filtering, and pagination.

The Problem: Getting Rendered Value of Column

So, you’ve got your react-table setup and running smoothly, but now you need to access the rendered value of a specific column. Maybe you want to perform some calculations, trigger an action, or simply display the value in a tooltip. Whatever the reason, getting the rendered value of a column can be a daunting task, especially for beginners.

The issue arises because react-table uses a virtualized DOM to optimize performance, which makes it challenging to access the rendered HTML elements directly. But fear not, dear reader! We’ll explore the various ways to get the rendered value of a column in react-table.

Method 1: Using the `useTable` Hook

The `useTable` hook is a powerful tool provided by react-table that gives you access to the table’s internal state and props. One of the props available is `rows`, which contains the rendered row data. We can use this prop to get the rendered value of a column.

import { useTable } from 'react-table';

const MyTable = () => {
  const { rows } = useTable({
    columns: [
        Header: 'Name',
        accessor: 'name',
        Header: 'Age',
        accessor: 'age',
    data: [
      { name: 'John', age: 25 },
      { name: 'Jane', age: 30 },

  const getRenderedValue = (columnAccessor, row) => {
    return row[columnAccessor];

  return (
          { => (
        { => (
            { => (
{getRenderedValue(column.accessor, row)}
); };

In this example, we use the `useTable` hook to get the `rows` prop, which contains the rendered row data. We then define a function `getRenderedValue` that takes a column accessor and a row object as arguments. This function returns the rendered value of the specified column for the given row.

Method 2: Using the `render` Function

Another way to get the rendered value of a column is by using the `render` function provided by react-table. The `render` function is called for each cell in the table, and it receives the cell’s value, row, and column as arguments.

import { useTable } from 'react-table';

const MyTable = () => {
  const columns = [
      Header: 'Name',
      accessor: 'name',
      render: (value, row) => {
        // Do something with the rendered value
        return value;
      Header: 'Age',
      accessor: 'age',
      render: (value, row) => {
        return value;

  const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25 },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30 },

  return (
          { => (
        { => (
            { => (
{column.render(row[column.accessor], row)}
); };

In this example, we define a `render` function for each column that logs the rendered value to the console. You can replace the `console.log` statement with any custom logic you need to perform on the rendered value.

Method 3: Using a Custom Cell Component

A third way to get the rendered value of a column is by using a custom cell component. You can create a custom cell component that has access to the cell’s value, row, and column, and use that component to perform any necessary logic.

import { useTable } from 'react-table';

const CustomCell = ({ value, row, column }) => {
  // Do something with the rendered value
  return {value};

const MyTable = () => {
  const columns = [
      Header: 'Name',
      accessor: 'name',
      Cell: CustomCell,
      Header: 'Age',
      accessor: 'age',
      Cell: CustomCell,

  const data = [
    { name: 'John', age: 25 },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 30 },

  return (
          { => (
        { => (
            { => (
); };

In this example, we create a custom cell component `CustomCell` that logs the rendered value to the console. You can replace the `console.log` statement with any custom logic you need to perform on the rendered value.


In this article, we’ve explored three different methods for getting the rendered value of a column in react-table. Whether you use the `useTable` hook, the `render` function, or a custom cell component, you now have the tools to access and manipulate the rendered value of a column in your react-table application.

Remember, react-table is a powerful library that requires some getting used to, but with practice and patience, you’ll be able to unlock its full potential and create stunning table components in no time.

Method Description
useTable Hook Use the useTable hook to access the rendered row data and get the rendered value of a column.
render Function Use the render function provided by react-table to access the rendered value of a column.
Custom Cell Component Use a custom cell component to access the rendered value of a column and perform custom logic.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in your react-table journey. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “react-table: Getting rendered value of column” in HTML format with markup:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about getting rendered values of columns in react-table!

How do I get the rendered value of a column in react-table?

You can access the rendered value of a column by using the `getCellProps` function provided by react-table. This function returns an object with a `value` property that contains the rendered value of the cell.

Can I use the `render` function to get the rendered value of a column?

Yes, you can use the `render` function to get the rendered value of a column. The `render` function takes a `CellProps` object as an argument, which has a `value` property that contains the rendered value of the cell.

How do I get the rendered value of a column for a specific row?

You can get the rendered value of a column for a specific row by using the `getRowProps` function and accessing the `cells` property of the resulting object. The `cells` property is an array of `CellProps` objects, where each object represents a cell in the row. You can then access the `value` property of the desired cell to get the rendered value.

Can I use the `useTable` hook to get the rendered value of a column?

Yes, you can use the `useTable` hook to get the rendered value of a column. The `useTable` hook returns an object with a `rows` property, which is an array of `Row` objects. Each `Row` object has a `cells` property, which is an array of `CellProps` objects, where each object represents a cell in the row. You can then access the `value` property of the desired cell to get the rendered value.

What if I need to access the rendered value of a column in a custom component?

If you need to access the rendered value of a column in a custom component, you can use the `useTableCell` hook provided by react-table. This hook returns an object with a `value` property that contains the rendered value of the cell. You can then use this value in your custom component as needed.